Saturday, November 17, 2007

Enough with the nudity!!!

Having given plenty of evidence of Mary's complete lack of taste when getting dressed, I will now present evidence of the fallacies of following a fashion rule too closely, i.e. neutrals go with everything.

Our Mary seems to have developed a penchant (French pronunciation, please, in honor of Henrik and Marie) for wearing one particular nude colored cardigan. With everything. It's like the chicks from What Not to Wear visited Mary and just threw this rule at her and Mary now follows it without giving a second thought to it.

First of all, NO, MARY, NUDE DOES NOT GO WITH EVERYTHING! It's a clear example of Mary not knowing anything about fashion.

First, let's take this little number Mary wore to a hospital visit. First, the dress itself is atrocious. It's a sleeveless shift that accentuates her massive shoulders and upper arms and she shouldn't wear a print that bold. Someone like Rania of Jordan, who wears her clothes instead of letting her clothes wear her, might get away with it, and she has the right coloring, but pale milkmaidy Mary, no way. The cardigan is completely wrong for the dress. A navy colored cardigan might have been better in order to give background to the busy print, but that would take a couple of brain cells and we know all of Mary's are busy making sure she finds all the nearby cameras.

This, well, I don't even know where to begin. She wore this to a wedding, and while the whole thing isn't white, it's still a long flowy white skirt, which is rather tasteless and, shall I say, self-centered to wear to someone else's wedding. Again, Mary is doing well in hiding the sleeveless look that doesn't flatter her at all but she is doing so with the dreaded beige cardigan, which goes with absolutely nothing in this ensemble. The outfit has green, black, and white, and mary throws beige in the mix. Horrendous.

She does a variation on the theme here, throwing a cream and gold cape/shawl horror over a pale pink dress, which, by the way, is one of the ugliest things Mary has every worn.

Same with this, what is a cream and gold colored coat doing on top of a purple and lavender dress? Sadly, only Mary knows, and I seriously doubt that if I ask her she will tell me.

Nude colors are not kind to Mary. From her mushroom colored dress at the engagement interview, to the (again) mushroom gown she wore to a gala - when she forgot to shave and apply antiperspirant - to the many times she wears skintone cardigans and tops, this is just not a good look for her. It washes her out, whereas in more saturated hues she looks a lot better.

But, far be it from me to interfere, after all, if Mary were to have a brain, why, this little blog wouldn't exist, now would it?


Cece said...

That awful cardi is the sartorial equivalent to surgical gloves: skin-tight, pale-pink, clinical and creepy!

royal truths said...

Thank you, Cece, the cardigan is the go-to piece for someone without an iota of what fashion really is.

Anonymous said...

Mary doesn't know anything about fashion, it doesn't matter how much money she has, she'll always be a moron.

Anonymous said...

Great blog, Royal Truth. Keep them coming!

Anonymous said...

To you dear Mrs. Denmark:

Fashion is what you adopt when you don't know who you are!!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious -- but so true!! Can't wait for the next installment!!

Anonymous said...

Why do you never publish the negative comments you get

royal truths said...

Because I don't get negative comments. I have gotten a couple of troll comments, which is different. I don't give trolls the attention they want.

My question to you is: How would YOU know I "NEVER publish" negative comments if you don't know if I get them or not?