Friday, February 29, 2008

Fire Anja!

This week our intrepid Bogan Princess coordinates - I use the term loosely because this bitch couldn't put clothes together if her life depended on it - a feather/fur atrocity along with a horrible and not flattering sleeveless silk turtleneck scarf something or other, and attempts to make an outfit with greys, blues, browns, taupes, and just about every other color that crosses her bogan eyes.

But hey, the top is Prada so it's got to be flattering, right? Label whore Mary doesn't get that sleeveless on her pre-op transsexual physique is not a good thing. And before you, dear readers, get all liberal on me, let me state that one of my dearest and nearest is a pre-op transsexual and she is the first person to agree with me that Mary Just Doesn't Get It!!! We're not voting for McCain on this blog, I'm just illustrating a point. If Mary would only spend one hour with my dear friend, she would learn some wonderful makeup and fashion tips that would serve her for the rest of her royal life. But my friend's too good for Mary, so nyah.

Mary needs to learn to KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid. She is wearing a charcoal grey coat, ugly shiny blue slacks, the same from that movie methinks, with this Prada shirt from her visit to the EU, which would be lovely on a dainty lass like me, who doesn't have the shoulders of a linebacker. But on Mary, let's just say, that it gives creedence to those rumours about the men of the DRF having rather "out there" tastes. You'd think Mary would choose one of the main colors, i.e. grey or blue, for her leatherwear (purse and shoes) but no. Our dear bogan imbecile chooses a reddish brown pair of size 9 shoes and a taupe-ish bag. And while, granted, the Prada top has some brown in it, it's far enough away to be completely pointless.

Furthermore, the feather laden coat AND the scarf ties are too much together. Whoever put this craptastic outfit together needs to be fired. If it was the much ballyhooed Anja, stylist extraordinaire who always looks like she's constipated, she needs to be sent packing NOW. And hey, if it's Mary, well, a ticket back to Tassie seems compensation enough for all the damage this moron has done to my sensitive and fashion-discerning eyes.

Happy Leap Year! Here's to hoping Mary's not around by the next one!!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Royal Truthie,

One must not ASSuME!

Have you seen Anja's taste?
Gawd, its worse than our OMNI-Icons
...and lets not forget her Sour Face, too boot!
That must be the REAL reason for all these Meary's and Anja's disasters...

But then, Anja could be secretly paid extra to make Meary look like a clown?Hmmmmm now there is a thought...

with best, & keep up the great work.

Getafix :-)

Anonymous said...

All this fashion icon talk in the magazines has gone to her head. She seriously thinks she can wear whatever she likes on her skanky skeletal frame and make it look good. This is revolting. Pass me the bucket. So much for all that talk about "oh Frederick and I have to wear clothes appropriate to the occassion". MARY YOU ARE A FORMER TARGET SHOPPER FROM SYDNEY, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE NOW THAT YOU HAVE A BLACK AMEX?????