Mary's attention seeking ways are much debated on the 'net. Mary is a major attention whore. No, she's not. Mary loves the cameras to the extent that she ignores people she's supposed to talk to. No, she doesn't!
I believe images speak louder than words, and in these photos, it is apparent that from the days she was plain old Mary Donaldson, Mary has had an uncanny desire to Be Somebody.
A fatter and badly highlighted Mary Donaldson with z-lister Sarah O'Hare, back when their fortunes were reversed.
Nowadays I am guessing Sarah would give her left tit to be photographed next to Princess Mary.
This was an ad for work, here is Our Mary playing the part of an important businesswoman. There was also an exercise at work with Mary and colleagues jumping around excitedly to promote some brand.
However, the sad truth is that Mary never excelled at marketing, then or now, because let's just say that her image then and her image now leave a lot to be desired.