But is it D for Drinking too much?
D for Drugs?
D for Divorce?
Because Frederik didn't use to look like this.
Or is it the knowledge that his wife is reviled as a gold-digger and useless lump who is only good for shopping and putting her size 9 feet up? The knowledge that his wife, his partner in life, has absolutely no relationship with his children can weigh on a man who realizes he has chosen poorly, who realizes that getting pressured into this big a decision should not have been allowed and that he should have grown a pair and not let himself be pulled around by a tanned fatty who seemed a "natural, normal girl" but has now become a robot with a stick up her ass.
Maybe it is the knowledge that his children do not begin to measure to other children their age, that the unwavering dull expression in their faces is due to the most oppressive presence of all, that of their dictatorial, domineering, perfectionist mother. A mother to whom weight is a sin. A mother who cannot seem to coax a smile out of her children. A mother who carries her children like Paris Hilton carries her dog. For show. For the cameras. A mother more worried about showing her best side than wiping off her children's chins.
The knowledge that he has chosen as poor a mother as his own mother was must be awful for Frederik. Margrethe was a cold mother and what has he chosen, the Ice Queen of all Ice Queens, the worth successor to Margrethe Who Could Not Relate to Children.
Too bad, Frederik, seems you've ruined the next generation already.
Oh well, I'm sure nobody would like to be judged on account of pictures or videos taken of them.
So why bother divining the future from pictures? You select pictures that support your view of Mary - and so do boards that love Mary. Both records are incomplete. Mary is, I guess, a normal person, neither as awful as you make her out to be nor as saintly as others do. And conjecture doesn't make a case.
D is for Dork.
D is for D -eparture!!!!!!!!!!
Departure of Mosh-pitt from Denmark!
Daisy was an Ice-queen with Brains!
Mosh is just Ice - with NO brains!
Her Papa is leaving (again!)...Am-bi-urr has left...WHO really is there for Mosh-pitt NOW???
Hmmm...Wake up and smell the Blood...of a fresh kill in the morning
How about D is for dødskamp? aka agony, as in the agony of Fred...
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