There is not another princess, or queen, or anyone of that sort who has had as many "official" photos taken as Mary. She is addicted to having her picture taken. If it were the DRF forcign her to do it then you'd see the other members of the family having as many photos taken, but it's not, it's all Mary.
Hardly a six-month span has gone by where Mary has not had new official photos released. And they all look the same, Mary looking glassy eyed into the camera, lips usually parted (I remember Marilyn Monroe advocated posing while gently blowing air through the lips to look sensual, not that Mary could do sensual if her life depended on it, she is as sexy as a fish) either with the semblance of a smile or, her favorite, a smirk, as if to say, "neener neener, LOOK AT ME!"
A pound of makeup is spackled onto the royal visage because, no matter how much famewhore skincare guru Ole Henriksen (very freaky looking himself) says that Mary has flawless skin and bla bla bla, it is clean Mary has a shitload of wrinkles and, if caught on a bad day, has a shitload of gray hairs as well. At least when Maxima of the Netherlands doesn't color her hair, the roots are black, with Mary they are silver.
These do not include official photos of the engagement, wedding, birth of children, or christenings - no, those are not enough for Mary - there must be more more more, ever more photos of this narcissistic woman who is in love with the image money and fame have created, and who doesn't realize there is nothing underneath that image.
Anyway - here, courtesy of royal photographers The Steens (Brogard & Evald), are many official photos, one just as boring and bland as the other - I guess The Steens HAVE captured Mary's essence, for she is boring and bland, a perfect canvas for the DRF to project their idea of a perfect princess, although 3 1/2 years after the wedding, Mary is known more for her spending and her heels than any substantive work. She is nothing but substance, just like these photos.
Mary's legacy will be one of a princess with a stick up her ass, never relaxed because she knows she is nothing, she is a waste of space and air, and she is always afraid that those around her, those who actually have interests other than clipping photo articles about themselves, will laugh her out of the palace because they see what a piece of nothing she is.
That's why it's so funny to watch the "Marymentary" , when she said :"I don't like being photographed..." C'mon, Mary, you just CRAVE for the limelight!
Another brilliant commentary, Royal Truths!!
She is indeed boring and bland.... and might I add superficial, hollow and famewhore, who would sell her soul to the devil in exchange for all the attention she can get in this physical world!
That pic of her up there, in the ruby parure, creeps me out. Every time I look at it I get the chills and have nightmares.
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